Friday, October 14, 2016

New Blog!

Hey everyone!  I've decided to officially abandon my blogs here on Blogger, and to start afresh on WordPress:

Hope you all enjoy! :D

Monday, January 16, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted in a while...something came up over the past 2 weeks, and at first I wasn't able to, then I forgot.  Plus, there wasn't a whole lot to write about when I did remember.  Oh, well.  Okay...well, I'm watching the Myrtle Beach, SC Republican Presidential Debate with my family.  Had a yummy salad earlier, then right after had a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (yum!).  Watching my cutie-pie of a dog scratch an itch on her ear.  Enjoying sitting here in my pj's.  Loving DSL.  *Contented sigh*  Will continue to enjoy it the rest of the night :)

(BTW, my parents and I are now on Series 2 of Downton Abbey.  They are SO hooked!!!)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Celtic Thunder and Downton Abbey

I LOVE Celtic Thunder!!!!!  They're my absolute favorite group, even above Jump5.  *Shout-out to all my fellow old-school J5 fans.*  I've always loved Celtic music, and I mainly attribute that to my partially-Celtic heritage.  I have threads of blood green as a shamrock flowing through my veins, and am proud of it!  (As far as I know, my heritage is English, Welsh, German, French, Irish, Scottish, Cherokee [one-sixteenth], and Dutch.)  I recently purchased four of their seven albums, and now have a total of six.  Two of the CDs arrived in the mail today, and I am currently listening to "Mull of Kintyre".  Nobody and nothing beats the sound of these five (currently six) Irishmen with awesome accents singing equally awesome songs.  Go CT!!!!!

Downton Abbey is so awesome.  I fell in love with the series less than five minutes into it.  I've never seen a period series that so seamlessly weaves the lives of nobility and servants together that it creates such an epically-realistic story of family, hierarchy, love, loss, betrayal, scandal, political change, intrigue, delight, and - most importantly - pure, sweet simplicity.  I've already seen the first two seasons and the Christmas special myself (Series 1 was at the library, but I couldn't wait until January 8th to watch Series 2, so I found it and the Christmas special online - all of which I thoroughly enjoyed).  But I have now introduced it to my parents, and we all three watched the first two episodes back-to-back (with a great response from my parents - they've so far ranked it an 8 out of 10).  More episodes tomorrow!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Journey

2012.  The perfect year for a person's life to change for the better.  I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to become the person God meant for me to be.  And what better way than to share my journey with all of you?  I've never written on a consistent basis for a blog before, but here I am.  New Year's Resolution #1 is now officially underway!  So come on and join me as I chronicle my life's journey through this brand new year.  Hope you're buckled up, 'cause it's gonna be an altogether wonderfully wacky ride!